Saturday, March 14, 2009

Does your dog have a bone to pick with you?

I don't think the debate between real and synthetic bones will ever end. In my opinion, I would rather give my dog’s real bones if possible. Their bodies are made to handle and digest it. I'm not saying go out and give your dog chicken and pork bones as chicken and pork bone splinter easily. When I do serve my dog’s raw bones, it is a knuckle bone and they are supervised.
The down side to real bones are they tend to be messy and no one wants their dog chewing them in the house. They will bring about bugs and bacteria if left for a long period of time. (I say pick them up after a few hours and be done with it. It only cost you a few bucks so it's not that big a deal.) If your dog can eat days old food out of the garbage can, lick there own butt, and eat dog and cat poop, then I think a little bacteria off a bone won't hurt. Again, just my opinion. Synthetic bones such as Nylabone have their place and I have used these as well. In fact, I have used these more than real bones. Most Nylabones will do the trick but if you have powerful chewers than I suggest getting the "Galileo" Nylabone. This bone is tuff and will give your dog lots of chewing pleasure. You can keep it in the house, it won't stain anything, and if you are a germ-a-phobe, you can boil it. Just make sure you let it cool before giving it to your dog. I do not give my dogs Rawhides, Pig ears, or Cow hooves. I think rawhides are the worst because they do not break down easily and your dog ends up swallowing slimy, gooey, strips of blah. Yes it is possible for these to get wrapped up in your dog’s intestine. Plain and simple it's not good for your dog. I think my Rottie has some type of allergic reaction to raw meat as he yacks it up when he eats it but my Golden loves it. If I can't serve the real thing, then Nylabone is the next best answer for me and both my dogs seem to enjoy it.
Knuckle bone or Nylabone, you pick. In either case just make sure your dog does not swallow big chunks of bone break off. It's much easier to pick it up and throw it away then make a visit to your vet.
Just remember that chewing is a natural habit for your dog and this gives him/her great pleasure and stress relief. Also chewing keeps your dogs teeth and gums healthy. So treat your dog to a good bone and make them happy.

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