Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Potty Training Your Puppy

House breaking a dog can be a very trying time. Some breeds get it quicker than others but you must remain patient with your dog. Remember that puppies have small bladders and go frequently. The most important ingredient in your training regimen is Consistency. Performing steps the same way every time will help both you and your dog.
Try to take your puppy out every hour and after every meal or water break.
After you are done feeding your puppy, make sure to take your pup outside to relieve its self.
Make sure you are doing this at the same time every day or as close to it as possible.

When your pup is outside, they will do everything under the sun except what you want them to do, which is to poop or pee. This should be a positive experience so when you see your puppy doing their business, you need to make a production out of it.
With the highest voice possible, lavish your pup in praise and pets. Do this every time you take your puppy out and they poop or pee. This creates a positive experience and your puppy will want to perform this behavior every time.

If you see that your pup is going in the house, pick them up quickly and head out the door to the designated bathroom area. Set your puppy down and let them finish their business. Remember to lavish them with praise and pets for finishing outside.
Under no circumstances are you to hit, spank, or beat your puppy. Do not rub your puppy’s nose/snout in the mess.
Your pup does not and will not understand why you are doing this. The only thing that you will achieve is to make your puppy afraid of the situation. Usually when an owner employs this method of punishment a few times, the pup will either hide and go to the bathroom or eat it.
Remember, it’s a puppy, it doesn't know anything. We don't take an infant and rub its face in a diaper, so why would it be right for a puppy?
Remember consistency and praise. You will be surprised how far this will go. Yes you will have the knuckle head puppy that just won't learn. Be patient and consistent as this is not the norm.

In my opinion, crate training is the best way to go when you can not be in the house. Your puppy should have just enough room to stand up and turn around. If your pup has too much room, they will poop and pee in the crate, dance in it and be more than willing to share it with you when you get home.
Puppies have a short attention span and no sense of time. For that matter dogs period have no sense of time. That being said, if you did not catch your puppy in the act, do not punish your puppy. Your pup will not have a clue why you’re mad. Take your puppy out immediately when you get home and remember to praise when they poop or pee outside.

As your puppy learns these new habits, you can then start to implement a code word so that they will go on command. Pick a word or phrase that is short and catchy. Your puppy will do best with 1 or 2 syllable words.
Every time your puppy is about to poop or pee, start chanting your code word in a high pitched voice. You need to wait to the last moment right as they are about to do it.
Your word can be "go potty", "go poopie", "potty outside", "go hurry" etc...
After a while when you say your code word, your puppy will want to go to the bathroom.

Remember consistency, praise, and a LOT of patience.

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